Just published:

2007-Informals 80 -exclusive circular with 50 post cards about soviet streets- sold out.
2009-First archive book Hooligans-80(russian) about street subculture styles in Soviet 80-s.

persons from soviet underground , 800 archive pictures from home
albums of soviet streets and friendle for subcultures photographers.
3.New Wavers
5. Punks
Format: 24.5 sm x 34 ñì (70x100/8), 512 pp. , 3035 gramm. Circular 2000 ex. Russian price for Russia: 2000 rubles ,all quests about another countries ask by contacts in Moscow.
Contacts in Moscow T.C.I: Moscow, Dolgorucovskaya st. 5 Òål+7(499)973-3434 : INFO@TCI.RU
2011-Breef and catalog about Altrernative fashion(rus engl)

click to look english version of catalog

Circular 1000 ex. Ask about in Moscow Garage Art Center
During publishing plan- preparing second book about alternative fashion in Perestroika times.
For all questions about cooperation in expo and publishing program info@kompost.ru
curator Mike Buster
For joing Photo casting in during photo project about tattooed Moscow contact tattoo@kompost.ru