PERESTROJKA! Untamed Fashion in USSR.Amsterdam
8 nov 2013 - 24 nov 2013
ITW-gebouw, NDSM-terrein
'PERESTROJKA!' is een festival met
mode, fotografie, muziek, kunst, film en de creatieve geest van
'underground' Rusland. Het laat de spectaculaire ontwikkeling zien van
de alternatieve mode en daaraan gerelateerde bruisende muziekscene van
Rusland tussen 1985 en 1995.
Het Nederlandse publiek krijgt voor
het eerst de gloednieuwe fototentoonstelling 'Ongetemde mode in USSR' te
zien, die de Moskouse curator Misha Buster samenstelde. Drie weekeinden
zijn er concerten, modeshows, performances, acties, masterclasses,
filmvertoningen en feesten op de NDSM-werf.
Alternative Fashion before Glossies on Rigas festival 2013
Exhibition Alternative Fashion before Glossies, 1985-1995 showcases the history of alternative fashion movement, a trend that
emerged at the junction of rock and squat club culture during the period
that started in early perestroika and ended with the arrival of glossy
fashion magazines in mid-1990s.
Alternative fashion expo on Varazdine fashion photo bienalle, Croatia 2012.
U Varaždinu otvoreno Bijenale modne fotografije
Umjetnost oslobođena od konvencija.
Kreativna disciplina. Za vrijeme „Željezne
zavjese“ rusko stanovništvo nije imalo kontakte sa Zapadom, koji je imao
razvijenu modnu industriju. Stoga su rusku modu oživljavali dizajneri i
zaljubljenici u modu u ekstravagantnim odjevnim kombinacijama koje su
nosili na amaterskim modnim pistama i na ulici. Dio toga moguće je
vidjeti u Galeriji starih i novih majstora. - Trebalo je mnogo
izuzetne energije da se za ovu godinu iz moskovskog „Garaž centra za
suvremenu kulturu“ dobije ova izložba – rekli su organizatori.
06 sept- 30sept
"Alternative Fashion Before Glossies 1985-1995"in Dubrovnik
The exhibition "Alternative Fashion Before Glossies 1985-1995",
organised by the Moscow alternative gallery Garage, Varazdin gallery
center and Dubrovnik Cinemas, has opened in the southern Dalmatian city
of Dubrovnik.
4 august-2september