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A short-lived manifestation of this marginal foreign style of the 70-s fell on the late 80-s, due to rallying of the radical informal circles during face-off with the pressing and the new wave of real outcasts, following the popularization of informal movements at the turn of 87-88 (right after a turning-point in street battles with “lyuberas” and lowlife). It is worth noting that such manifestations in a caricature ironic way were present on the expanses of our homeland when radical informal freaks dressed up in proto-skinhead clothes, out of spite shaved their heads bald and mobbed in crowded places, scaring militiamen and citizens, who were seriously taken in by the Soviet propaganda that all the informal freaks are supposedly fascist thugs. The hardmods of the late 80-s were the sublimation of punk, rockabilly and military styles and since they’ve never heard their proper name in style classification, they preferred the self-given names “streetfighters” and “militarists”. In the first half of the 90-s with the first scooters came the first hardmods, strictly sticking to the western street styling, but this was totally different aesthetics than before.

Photos: 10
Gorkiy Park,Moscow 1989
In park,1989.Photo Evgeniy Volkov
Moscow ,1989
Moscow 1989,Photo Eveniy Volkov
Moscow Zoo,1988
Moscow Zoo,1989
Museum of Revolution, 1990.Photo Evgeniy Volkov
Pushkinskaya,1990.Photo by Evgeniy Volkov
Red Sqweer,1988
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