Golden underground of the 80s’
first and pretty successful concert of the rock-festival “Zolotoe podpolye
80-ih” (Golden underground of the 80s’), was held in May 2008 and has
demonstrated exceptional performing skills of participants, the freshness of
musical ideas based on the organic combination of styles, the “new wave” of the
80s with the current neo-futurism of the 2000s’. The venue for this concert was
not accidentally set at “Dvorec na Yauze” (Palace on the Yauza), the former MELZ
cultural centre, where in the 80s’ were held concerts and rehearsals of almost
all of the brightest rock bands of the former Soviet Union, where also took
place a legendary art-rock parade, which accompanied the premiere of the movie
“ASSA”. Participants of the concert on May 28, 2009 are the best
representatives of neo-romanticism of the 80s’. They are in excellent shape and
excite great interest not only among their longtime fans, but also among
today’s youth. During the concert on the stage screen were projected more than a
thousand photographs from the exhibition “Hooligans of the 80s’”, which was
successfully held in the Central Exhibition Hall “Manege”.